The Ring is Found!

There are honest people out there and it's inspiring to see. A gentleman called me today saying he found an engagement ring in a parking lot on Rockville Pike last week. Today he read the story in the Jewish Week and immediately connected the two events.

I haven't seen the ring he found yet (we're planning on meeting tonight) but his description matches that of the lost ring exactly. It's yellow gold with three emerald cut diamonds.

Thank you Jewish Week and thank you Mike!

Mervis Diamonds Blog - Subscribe

This entry was posted in Uncategorized on Nov 16, 2012 11:37:00 AM by jon mervis

2 Mervis's and a Muresan

Just came across this great photo of Ronnie Mervis, Jonathan Mervis, and the DC legend, Gheorge Muresan, of Washington Bullets glory. We bantered about a promotion where the tallest NBA player, at 7'7", would rock the biggest diamond for a photo shoot. It never happened...but maybe one day!

Mervis Muresan

This entry was posted in Uncategorized, Diamonds on Oct 25, 2012 11:47:00 AM by jon mervis

Diamond Wedding Band: Eternity or Not?

After years of explaining to clients the benefits of purchasing an eternity band and also weighing the cost associated with adding all those diamonds, I decided that for myself, I wanted an eternity band. It's a great option because you will always have diamonds showing.

Your wedding band will naturally spin on your finger. As you wear your engagement ring during all that wedding planning and showing it off to your friends you may tell yourself, this never spins around so why would my wedding band? I want you to think of why your engagement ring doesn’t spin. First of all, why would you let it spin around? You always want everyone to see that sparkler! And with that rock on the top, once it turns about a quarter of the way in either direction your other fingers will actually prevent it from turning to the bottom. So why would you let your wedding band go in hiding??

There are plenty of options for how many diamonds you could have around your ring. Most designers will accommodate your preference of diamonds half way around, three quarters or even 90% of the way around. The benefit of going partial is that you can have your ring resized in the future. There are some designers that offer a great exchange program for your eternity band so you can trade your old size for the new one for a reasonable fee. Some others are not as accommodating. You will want to ask your salesperson what future options you may have. I have had quite a few clients who were stuck on a tight budget and went with the half way option and upgraded to eternity for a future anniversary.

This is a purchase that you should really think long and hard about. This is your ONLY wedding band, so ask yourself while planning that budget… Are those flowers going to last forever? Is that upgraded cake really worth it? Should you buy those super expensive invites, programs, place cards and thank you cards that in the long run get thrown away? Your wedding band is FOREVER. Rethink that wedding band budget and ask yourself – will spending that extra money on a quality wedding band that you love be worth it 50 years from now? How do you want your wedding day to be remembered? Looking down at that ring every day after you are married will be the best reminder of why you got married in the first place. Make your wedding band something that you love just as much as the memory of the day you walked down the aisle.

This entry was posted in Uncategorized, eternity bands, Wedding Bands on Oct 3, 2012 12:05:00 PM by jon mervis

Jeff Cooper Trunk Show this Halloween Weekend!

We're excited to share that David Cooper himself will be joining us for a Jeff Cooper trunk show. Jeff Cooper engagement rings and wedding rings are loved for their "refined simplicity." They believe in classic designs that you'll love today and for many years to come. They'll never go out of style.


This entry was posted in Uncategorized on Oct 1, 2012 12:08:00 PM by jon mervis