We're Engaged! A Hot Air Balloon Engagement

This is the best type of email to receive:



I hope this email finds you well, just wanted to update you on what has happened. I know i discussed a few proposal ideas with you but I finally orchestrated one and proposed last Wednesday 11/21/12! Got engaged 2500ft up in the sky =]

I had told Feyona that we were going on a hot air balloon ride, she figured it was just another one of my spontaneous ideas. I spent a few days gathering friends and family and discussing my plans with the pilots. My dear friends and family drove an hour away to Woodstock Va at 5am on Wed to secretly meet up with Feyona and I. After we boarded our balloon and were up in the sky they would drive up to the launch site and setup my big banner that had the question spelled out. They also each had a balloon to release as we passed over. Needless to say she was stunned to the point where for a moment, she almost said to me "hey look someone is getting married" but then realized what was going on as people were screaming her name and finally turned around to find me on my knee with the ring.

We landed safely and rejoined with the group and it was all hugs and laughter from there on. My wedding shoot partner was there of course and snapped some photos of the day if you want to take a peek at out site here it is:


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Thank you so much Nancy for all of your time and effort in this adventure. You've been tremendously wonderful and I'm glad we crossed paths. Be sure to let your staff know that you freakin rock and that you have another successful client engagement under your belt!

Warm Regards and Happy Holidays,

Steven Ortiz


Washington DC and Virginia Beach Wedding Photographer